Ace attorney ema snackoos trial#
Klavier's reaction goes into Hilarious in Hindsight in the very next case, where, taking advantage of the trial being recorded, he promotes one of his songs to Spark Brushel when he demands to know more about atroquinine.Then you find out that Klavier wasn't upset over the fact that Ema implied that he was the murderer, but rather he found it ludicrous that anybody would think his band even needed promotion.Judge: Prosecutor Gavin! You did this to promote your song!? Klavier: No one here had a motive to kill him and certainly not in such an elaborate fashion.Įma: Unless our famous prosecutor did it as a publicity stunt. Trucy suggests that it's designed to make the reader think that "Police" is the name of a band. In Lamiroir's dressing room, Apollo looks at a police recruitment poster.He's possibly just joking, but it's still funny. The Rockers Smash Guitars conversation is hilarious partly because Klavier says he treats his guitars like lovers.He then falls silent and when Trucy asks him what's wrong, he says he just realized that it's useless to try talking about it. Another example at Klavier's office: when you examine the massage chair, Klavier begins to explain what it is, and Trucy cuts across him.When you get to Klavier's office, try examining his display of guitars both when he's there and after he leaves."'Logical'? I do not think this word means what you think it means, Herr Forehead!".

Trucy: Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's eat!Īpollo: Whoa whoa whoa! Stop it! Are you two crazy? Ema, you of all people should know better.Įma: But she tempted me! She's a. Trucy: I know! I know! But still, I yearn!Įma: Look, you're not the only one eyeing that fruit there! Trucy: Ooh! Apollo! Can I eat some of these? While it's not seen, one can absolutely imagine Apollo having quite the Luminescent Blush after that exchange. Klavier proves how crazy they are that he has Apollo wave his hand and the girls start fawning over him. While he was intercepted by several female fans.

Apollo and Trucy wisely choose to pretend they haven't noticed the exchange. Taking a closer look at the scene treats you to the officer telling the elderly woman the park is a crime scene and therefore off limits to the public, with her loudly proclaiming that she can walk wherever she pleases. Speaking of Oldbag, when you reach the outside of the park, you can see an officer fighting to pull an old lady not exactly unlike her down from the wall surrounding the park.

Justice! Do you object to the length of a second?"